
City Council Agenda
March 10, 2025
7:00 PM

Public Notice

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 848 5967 4536 
Passcode: 070298

Meeting Begins

Call to order and attendance (Mayor, Councilors, and Guests)

Presentations from Outside Agencies and Guests

Planning Commission Report: Representative from the Planning Commission

Standing Items

  1. Ask if any member of the public wishes to speak on an agenda item or a non-agenda item. Please limit your comments to 3 minutes.

    • Public Comments for specific Agenda items will be taken during the later portion of the agenda, for each corresponding agenda item. This section is for general comments on topics not covered by the Agenda.

  2. Approval of February minutes

  3. City financials – February

Existing/NEW Business

Public Comments for Agenda items will be taken before each item. Limit comments to 3 minutes, and please start by providing your name and address for the record.

1)    Article on Lake Oswego Public Access- information only (In agenda packet)

FUTURE COUNCIL Business / Agenda Items

1) Ask councilors for future meeting topics that they would like have placed on a future agenda.

Open Items for Future Meetings

1. Tree Code

2. City of Rivergrove Development Code revision  - Work on after FEMA Flood completed

3. FEMA new special flood hazard rules – Staff is continuing to work on a new code and  hoping to have code ready for review this summer. There is pending litigation with  FEMA which may change the timeline.  


1. Child Road Speeding Issue – Clackamas County Drawing in agenda packet

2. Stark boat ramp neighboring properties drainage on City property. – Will address in stark boat ramp engineering designs.

3. Stafford Road/Childs Road construction project. Waiting for Clackamas County to  provide project timeline. A detailed staging schedule will be available by April or May.  For more information visit: https://www.clackamas.us/engineering/st-rd-improvements 

4. Canal Road Project – Andy Paris Survey is completed. Staff is finalizing the  application with the City of Lake Oswego. Goal would be to complete construction in  Summer of 2025. 

5. Update on Stark boat ramp revitalization project - Staff is completing application

a)     Design approved by City Council at the August 2024 meeting.

  • b)     Firwood design is finalizing bid documents

  • c)     Firwood design is finalizing permit documents

    • (1)   City of Rivergrove Planning Commission

    • (2)   DEQ

    • (3)   WES

    • (4)   DSL

    • (5)   Army Corps of Engineering

    • (6)   Oregon Marine Board

6. Rivergrove Water District – Is replacing water lines on Childs Road from Indian Springs Rd North on Childs Road. Work will be completed Spring of 2025. An update was provided in the February Rivergrove Water District Newsletter.

Council Reports

  1. Mayor Barhyte

  2. Council President Tuttle

  3. Councilor McLean

  4. Councilor Silber

  5. Councilor Taylor

City Manager Report

Executive Session

Council and staff may adjourn to Executive Session pursuant to Oregon Revised Statues 192.660: As needed (appropriate subsection shall be cited).


City Council Agenda
February 10, 2025
7:00 PM

Public Notice

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 848 5967 4536 
Passcode: 070298

Meeting Begins

Call to order and attendance (Mayor, Councilors, and Guests)

Presentations from Outside Agencies and Guests

Planning Commission Report: Representative from the Planning Commission

Standing Items

  1. Ask if any member of the public wishes to speak on an agenda item or a non-agenda item. Please limit your comments to 3 minutes.

    • Public Comments for specific Agenda items will be taken during the later portion of the agenda, for each corresponding agenda item. This section is for general comments on topics not covered by the Agenda.

  2. Approval of January minutes

  3. City financials – January

Existing/NEW Business

Public Comments for Agenda items will be taken before each item. Limit comments to 3 minutes, and please start by providing your name and address for the record.

1)    Public Records Request Stark Boat Ramp – See attached letter/info only – No decision needed

FUTURE COUNCIL Business / Agenda Items

1) Ask councilors for future meeting topics that they would like have placed on a future agenda.

Open Items for Future Meetings

1. Tree Code – March Meeting  

2. City of Rivergrove Development Code revision  

3. FEMA new special flood hazard rules – Pending litigation with FEMA has placed  item on hold.


1. Child Road Speeding Issue – Waiting for engineering from Clackamas County.

2. Stark boat ramp neighboring properties drainage on City property. – Will address in stark boat ramp engineering designs.

3. Stafford Road/Childs Road construction project. Waiting for Clackamas County to provide project timeline. A detailed staging schedule will be available by April or May. For more information visit: https://www.clackamas.us/engineering/st-rd-improvements

4. Canal Road Project – ODOT Small City grant is executed. Staff is finalizing the application with the City of Lake Oswego. Goal would be to complete construction in Summer of 2025.

5. Update on Stark boat ramp revitalization project - Staff is completing application

a)     Design approved by City Council at the August 2024 meeting.

  • b)     Firwood design is finalizing bid documents

  • c)     Firwood design is finalizing permit documents

    • (1)   City of Rivergrove Planning Commission

    • (2)   DEQ

    • (3)   WES

    • (4)   DSL

    • (5)   Army Corps of Engineering

    • (6)   Oregon Marine Board

6. Rivergrove Water District – Is replacing water lines on Childs Road from Indian Springs Rd North on Childs Road. Work will be completed Spring of 2025. An update will be provided in the February Rivergrove Water District Newsletter.

Council Reports

  1. Mayor Barhyte

  2. Council President Tuttle

  3. Councilor McLean

  4. Councilor Silber

  5. Councilor Shafer

City Manager Report

Executive Session

Council and staff may adjourn to Executive Session pursuant to Oregon Revised Statues 192.660: As needed (appropriate subsection shall be cited).


City Council Agenda
january 13, 2025
7:00 PM

Public Notice

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 848 5967 4536 
Passcode: 070298

Meeting Begins

Call to order and attendance (Mayor, Councilors, and Guests)

Presentations from Outside Agencies and Guests

Planning Commission Report: Representative from the Planning Commission

Standing Items

  1. Ask if any member of the public wishes to speak on an agenda item or a non-agenda item. Please limit your comments to 3 minutes.

    • Public Comments for specific Agenda items will be taken during the later portion of the agenda, for each corresponding agenda item. This section is for general comments on topics not covered by the Agenda.

  2. Approval of December minutes

  3. City financials – December

Existing Business

Public Comments for Agenda items will be taken before each item. Limit comments to 3 minutes, and please start by providing your name and address for the record.

1)    City Manager swearing in City Councilors - Bill Tuttle, Chris Barhyte, Curt Taylor

2)   City Council elects Mayor and Council President

3)    Public Records Request Stark Boat Ramp - See attached letter

4)    Jisong Peng letter to city about violation of home occupation ordinance - See attached letter

5) SW Megly Court Burglary - See attached press release

6) City Planning code violation options - Updates and examples from other cities

7) Stafford Road Construction - Report attached

8) Canal Rd Small City ODOT grant - Authorize City Manager to sign grant documents - Document attached

9)    Update on Stark boat ramp revitalization project (standing item)

  • a)     Design approved by City Council at the August 2024 meeting.

  • b)     Firwood design is finalizing bid documents

  • c)     Firwood design is finalizing permit documents

    • (1)   City of Rivergrove Planning Commission

    • (2)   DEQ

    • (3)   WES

    • (4)   DSL

    • (5)   Army Corps of Engineering

    • (6)   Oregon Marine Board

10)    Park Committee Meeting - Wednesday January 15th via zoom

New Business / Agenda Items

  1. Council items for future meetings (ask for topics)

Open Items for Future Meetings

1. Tree Code – February Meeting  

2. City of Rivergrove Development Code revision  

3. Child Road Speeding Issue – Waiting for engineering from Clackamas County

4. FEMA new special flood hazard rules – Pending litigation with FEMA has placed  item on hold.

5. Stark boat ramp neighboring properties drainage on City property. – Will address in  stark boat ramp engineering designs 

Council Reports

  1. Mayor Barhyte

  2. Council President Tuttle

  3. Councilor McLean

  4. Councilor Silber

  5. Councilor Shafer

City Manager Report

Executive Session

Council and staff may adjourn to Executive Session pursuant to Oregon Revised Statues 192.660: As needed (appropriate subsection shall be cited).



City Council Agenda
December 9, 2024
7:00 PM

Public Notice

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 848 5967 4536 
Passcode: 070298

Meeting Begins

Call to order and attendance (Mayor, Councilors, and Guests)

Presentations from Outside Agencies and Guests

Planning Commission Report: Representative from the Planning Commission

Standing Items

  1. Ask if any member of the public wishes to speak on an agenda item or a non-agenda item. Please limit your comments to 3 minutes.

    • Public Comments for specific Agenda items will be taken during the later portion of the agenda, for each corresponding agenda item. This section is for general comments on topics not covered by the Agenda.

  2. Approval of November minutes

  3. City financials – November

Existing Business

Public Comments for Agenda items will be taken before each item. Limit comments to 3 minutes, and please start by providing your name and address for the record.

1)    Childs Road Speeding Issue - Waiting for engineering from Clackamas County

2)   Stark Boat Ramp neighboring properties fences and drainage on City Property. Will address in Stark Boat Ramp engineering

3)    FEMA new special flood hazard rules – Sub Committee Report

4)    Metro Local Share Grant - Authorize City Manager to Sign IGA

5)    Update on Stark boat ramp revitalization project (standing item)

  • a)     Design approved by City Council at the August 2024 meeting.

  • b)     Firwood design is finalizing bid documents

  • c)     Firwood design is finalizing permit documents

    • (1)   City of Rivergrove Planning Commission

    • (2)   DEQ

    • (3)   WES

    • (4)   DSL

    • (5)   Army Corps of Engineering

    • (6)   Oregon Marine Board

6)    City of Rivergrove Development code revision - Standing Item

7)    Election Certification - report in packet

  1. Park Measure passes

  2. Council Elections

    • Bill Tuttle - 4 year term

    • Chris Barhyte - 4 year term

    • Curt Taylor - 2 year term

8) Park Committee Meeting - Wednesday January 15th 7pm via Zoom

New Business / Agenda Items

  1. Unpermitted Residential Front Gate in the flood plain/flood way - 6210 SW Childs

  2. Process for alleged code violations

  3. Council Items for futures meetings

Open Items for Future Meetings

1. Canal Road Improvements (January Meeting)

2. Tree Code - January Meeting

Council Reports

  1. Mayor Barhyte

  2. Council President Tuttle

  3. Councilor McLean

  4. Councilor Silber

  5. Councilor Shafer

City Manager Report

Executive Session

Council and staff may adjourn to Executive Session pursuant to Oregon Revised Statues 192.660: As needed (appropriate subsection shall be cited).


City Council Agenda
November 11, 2024
7:00 PM

Public Notice

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 848 5967 4536 
Passcode: 070298

Meeting Begins

Call to order and attendance (Mayor, Councilors, and Guests)

Presentations from Outside Agencies and Guests

Planning Commission Report: Representative from the Planning Commission

Standing Items

  1. Ask if any member of the public wishes to speak on an agenda item or a non-agenda item. Please limit your comments to 3 minutes.

    • Public Comments for specific Agenda items will be taken during the later portion of the agenda, for each corresponding agenda item. This section is for general comments on topics not covered by the Agenda.

  2. Approval of October minutes

  3. City financials – October

Existing Business

Public Comments for Agenda items will be taken before each item. Limit comments to 3 minutes, and please start by providing your name and address for the record.

1)    Childs Road Speeding Issue - report in packet

2)   Stark Boat Ramp neighboring properties fences and drainage on City Property. letter attached

3)    FEMA new special flood hazard rules – letter to FEMA and subcommittee report

4)    Update on Lloyd Minor Park sprinkler system valve box vandalization and repair.

5)    Update on Stark boat ramp revitalization project (standing item)

  • a)     Design approved by City Council at the August 2024 meeting.

  • b)     Firwood design is finalizing bid documents

  • c)     Firwood design is finalizing permit documents

    • (1)   City of Rivergrove Planning Commission (goal December)

    • (2)   DEQ

    • (3)   WES

    • (4)   DSL

    • (5)   Army Corps of Engineering

    • (6)   Oregon Marine Board

6)    City of Rivergrove Development code revision

7)    Election Update - report in packet

8) 2023-24 TMDL Annual Report

9) Home Occupations - report in packet

New Business / Agenda Items

  1. Council Items for futures meetings

Open Items for Future Meetings

1. Canal Road Improvements (waiting for small City grant decision)

2. Tree Code - January Meeting

Council Reports

  1. Mayor Barhyte

  2. Council President Tuttle

  3. Councilor McLean

  4. Councilor Silber

  5. Councilor Shafer

City Manager Report

Executive Session

Council and staff may adjourn to Executive Session pursuant to Oregon Revised Statues 192.660: As needed (appropriate subsection shall be cited).


City Council Agenda
October 14, 2024
7:00 PM

Public Notice

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 848 5967 4536 
Passcode: 070298


Meeting Begins

Call to order and attendance (Mayor, Councilors, and Guests)

Presentations from Outside Agencies and Guests

Planning Commission Report: Representative from the Planning Commission

Standing Items

  1. Ask if any member of the public wishes to speak on an agenda item or a non-agenda item. Please limit your comments to 3 minutes.

    • Public Comments for specific Agenda items will be taken during the later portion of the agenda, for each corresponding agenda item. This section is for general comments on topics not covered by the Agenda.

  2. Approval of September minutes

  3. City financials – September

Existing Business

Public Comments for Agenda items will be taken before each item. Limit comments to 3 minutes, and please start by providing your name and address for the record.

1)    Childs Road Speeding Issue

2)   Stark Boat Ramp neighboring properties fences and drainage on City Property.

3)    FEMA new special flood hazard rules – letter to FEMA and subcommittee report

4)    Update on Lloyd Minor Park sprinkler system valve box vandalization and repair.

5)    Update on Stark boat ramp revitalization project (standing item)

  • a)     Design approved by City Council at the August 2024 meeting.

  • b)     Firwood design is finalizing bid documents

  • c)     Firwood design is finalizing permit documents

    • (1)   City of Rivergrove Planning Commission

    • (2)   DEQ

    • (3)   WES

    • (4)   DSL

    • (5)   Army Corps of Engineering

    • (6)   Oregon Marine Board

6)    Update on Boat Ramp gate removal and sign installation

7)    City of Rivergrove Development code revision

8) Appoint Park Committee Members

New Business / Agenda Items

  1. Tree Code

Open Items for Future Meetings

1. Canal Road Improvements (waiting for small City grant decision)

Council Reports

  1. Mayor Barhyte

  2. Council President Tuttle

  3. Councilor McLean

  4. Councilor Silber

  5. Councilor Shafer

City Manager Report

Executive Session

Council and staff may adjourn to Executive Session pursuant to Oregon Revised Statues 192.660: As needed (appropriate subsection shall be cited).


City Council Agenda
September 9, 2024
7:00 PM

Public Notice

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 848 5967 4536 
Passcode: 070298


Meeting Begins

Call to order and attendance (Mayor, Councilors, and Guests)

Presentations from Outside Agencies and Guests

Planning Commission Report: Representative from the Planning Commission

Standing Items

  1. Ask if any member of the public wishes to speak on an agenda item or a non-agenda item. Please limit your comments to 3 minutes.

    • Public Comments for specific Agenda items will be taken during the later portion of the agenda, for each corresponding agenda item. This section is for general comments on topics not covered by the Agenda.

  2. Approval of August minutes

  3. City financials – August

Existing Business

Public Comments for Agenda items will be taken before each item. Limit comments to 3 minutes, and please start by providing your name and address for the record.

1)    Canal Road improvements – Asphalt Canal Road from West Road to 19666 Canal Road. Republic Services and the US Postal Service may decide to stop providing services to the City of Rivergrove homes which are located on this section of Canal Road. 

2)    Stark boat gate ramp removal proposal.

3)    Stark boat ramp neighboring properties fences on City property

4)    FEMA new special flood hazard rules – letter to FEMA and subcommittee report.

5)    Update on Lloyd Minor Park sprinkler system valve box vandalization.

6)    Update on Stark boat ramp revitalization project

  • a)     Design approved by City Council at the August 2024 meeting.

  • b)     Firwood design is finalizing bid documents

  • c)     Firwood design is finalizing permit documents

    • (1)   City of Rivergrove Planning Commission

    • (2)   DEQ

    • (3)   WES

    • (4)   DSL

    • (5)   Army Corps of Engineering

    • (6)   Oregon Marine Board

7)    City Council November 5th Elections – 3 people have filed to run for the 3 open City Council seats.  The election is November 5th , 2024. 

8)    Childs Road – Pedestrian path and speeding issue.

New Business / Agenda Items

  1. Stark boat ramp erosion issue.

  2. City of Rivergrove Development Code revision 

  3. Resolution 24-9924 to accept State of Oregon revenue sharing for fiscal year 2024-25

Open Items for Future Meetings

1. Park Committee

Council Reports

  1. Mayor Barhyte

  2. Council President Tuttle

  3. Councilor McLean

  4. Councilor Silber

  5. Councilor Shafer

City Manager Report

Executive Session

Council and staff may adjourn to Executive Session pursuant to Oregon Revised Statues 192.660: As needed (appropriate subsection shall be cited).


City Council Agenda
August 12, 2024
7:00 PM

Public Notice

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 848 5967 4536 
Passcode: 070298


  • Agenda Contains:

    • Agenda

    • Management Report (P&L, Balance Sheet, General Ledger)

    • Stark Boat Ramp Improvement CAD Drawings

    • Photos from 19136 Pilkingon Rd

    • Article from LO Review about Drones (2022)

    • Photos of curb across from the Stark Boat Ramp

    • Overview of MACC

    • FEMA - National Flood Insurance Program updates

Meeting Begins

Call to order and attendance (Mayor, Councilors, and Guests)

Presentations from Outside Agencies and Guests

Planning Commission Report: Representative from the Planning Commission

Standing Items

  1. Ask if any member of the public wishes to speak on an agenda item or a non-agenda item. Please limit your comments to 3 minutes.

    • Public Comments for specific Agenda items will be taken during the later portion of the agenda, for each corresponding agenda item. This section is for general comments on topics not covered by the Agenda.

  2. Approval of July minutes

  3. City financials – July

Existing Business

Public Comments for Agenda items will be taken before each item. Limit comments to 3 minutes, and please start by providing your name and address for the record.

  1. Update on final boat ramp design. Propose approving design with the addition of 2 –25 foot retaining walls beginning at the ordinary high-water mark on each side of ramp. Direct staff to secure grant funding for all-project cost.

  2. Code Violation – Information Only (pictures attached)

  3. Drones – Review attached information

  4. City Manager Appointment—Propose changing the interim City Manager to permanent City Manager

  5. Lloyd Minor Park Update—sprinkler system vandalized, currently working with a vendor to repair the damage

New Business / Agenda Items

  1. Curb painting opposite boat ramp (report included in PDF2)

  2. Appoint Leah Silber to MACC (Metropolitan Area Cable Commission)

  3. FEMA new special flood area hazard rules – Report Included

  4. City Council Elections

    Three of our City Council seats will be up for re-election; the seats are currently held by Mayor Barhyte, Council President Tuttle and Councilor Shafer. Visit our website for more information.

Open Items for Future Meetings

1. Park Committee

2. Canal Rd maintenance agreement and improvements

3. Childs pedway extension, Childs Road traffic, speed concerns

4. Proposal to remove Stark Boat ramp sign

Council Reports

  1. Mayor Barhyte

  2. Council President Tuttle

  3. Councilor McLean

  4. Councilor Silber

  5. Councilor Shafer

City Manager Report

Executive Session

Council and staff may adjourn to Executive Session pursuant to Oregon Revised Statues 192.660: As needed (appropriate subsection shall be cited).

Rivergrove City Council Agenda
JuLY 8, 2024
7:00 PM

Public Notice


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 848 5967 4536 
Passcode: 070298

Standing Items

Call to order and attendance (Mayor, Councilors, and Guests)

Presentations from Outside Agencies and Guests:

Planning Commission Report:
Representative from the Planning Commission

Standing Items:

  1. Ask if any member of the public wishes to speak on an agenda item or a non-agenda item. (Please limit your comments to 3 minutes) (Public Comments for Agenda items will be taken during that portion of the agenda.)

  2. Approval of June minutes

  3. City financials – June

Existing Business - Public Comments for Agenda items will be taken before each item.
Limit your comments to 3 minutes, and please provide your name and address for the

  1. Update on Boat Ramp Design - Next Update August Meeting

  2. Park Committee Additional Members - Next Update August Meeting

  3. Canal Rd Maintenance Design Update - Next Update August Meeting

  4. Pedway Extension - Childs Rd Traffic - Next Update August Meeting

  5. Proposal to remove boat ramp gate - Next Update August Meeting

    New Agenda Items

    1. Code Violation with required setbacks (19136 Pilkington Rd) - Carport (PDF)

    Council Reports:

    1. Mayor - Barhyte

    2. Councilor - McLean

    3. Councilor - Silber

    4. Council President - Tuttle

    5. Councilor - Shafer

    City Manager Report:
    Executive Session: Council and staff may adjourn to Executive Session pursuant to Oregon Revised Statues 192.660: As needed (appropriate subsection shall be cited)

Rivergrove City Council Agenda
June 10, 2024
7:00 PM

Public Notice


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 848 5967 4536 
Passcode: 070298

Standing Items

Call to order and attendance (Mayor, Councilors, and Guests)

Presentations from Outside Agencies and Guests:

Planning Commission Report:
Representative from the Planning Commission

Standing Items:

  1. Ask if any member of the public wishes to speak on an agenda item or a non-agenda item. (Please limit your comments to 3 minutes) (Public Comments for Agenda items will be taken during that portion of the agenda.)

  2. Approval of May minutes

  3. City financials – May

Existing Business - Public Comments for Agenda items will be taken before each item.
Limit your comments to 3 minutes, and please provide your name and address for the

  1. Update on Boat Ramp Design

  2. Park Committee Additional Members

  3. New Park Charter Amendment – 

    1. Approve the Chapter X protection of parks charter amendment

    2. Approve the ballot title (caption, question and summary)

    3. Approve the Explanatory statement

    4. Authorize the City Manager to publish the ballot title in the Lake Oswego Review.

    5. Authorize the City Manager to complete form 802 along with other Washington and Clackamas County election requirements to place it on the November ballot.

  4. Canal Rd Maintenance Design Update

  5. Consider authorizing changes to the FY 2023-2024 budget and transfer $600 a month for the full fiscal year from the highway fund to the general fund.

  6. Budget Committee – Authorize the fiscal year 2024/2025 City of Rivergrove Budget.

  7. Pedway Extension - Childs Rd Traffic - Speed concerns

    New Agenda Items

    1. Invasive species-Councilor Silber

    2. Question regarding possible development at 19491 Lorna Lane

    3. Question regarding possible development at 5582 SW Dogwood Dr

    Council Reports:

    1. Mayor - Barhyte

    2. Councilor - McLean

    3. Councilor - Silber

    4. Council President - Tuttle

    5. Councilor - Shafer

    City Manager Report:
    Executive Session: Council and staff may adjourn to Executive Session pursuant to Oregon Revised Statues 192.660: As needed (appropriate subsection shall be cited)

Rivergrove City Council Agenda
May 13, 2024, 7:00 PM

Public Notice

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 848 5967 4536 
Passcode: 070298

Standing Items

  1. Call to order and attendance (Mayor, Councilors, and Guests)

Presentations from Outside Agencies and Guests:

Planning Commission Report:
Representative from the Planning Commission

Standing Items:

  1. Ask if any member of the public wishes to speak on an agenda item or a non-agenda item. (Please limit your comments to 3 minutes) (Public Comments for Agenda items will be taken during that portion of the agenda.)

  2. Approval of April minutes

  3. City financials – April

Public Hearing to update Land Development Ordinance

  • Open the public hearing.

  • Staff report  

  • Public testimony

  • Council questions of staff or any member of the public who testified.

  • Close the public hearing and deliberate to a decision.    

Recommended motion:
To adopt the findings of the staff report along with modify LDO 4.010(b) – Procedure for Processing Development Permits, 4.03 – Pre-ApplicationConference, 4.050 – Submission of Pre-Application, 4.060 – Referral and Review of Permit Applications and 4.120 – Type IV Procedure. This ordinance is considered an emergency and shall take effect immediately per section 36 of the City of Rivergrove charter.

Existing Business - Public Comments for Agenda items will be taken before each item.
Limit your comments to 3 minutes, and please provide your name and address for the

  1. Update on Lloyd Minor Park Restoration Project

  2. Thank you Jonathan Sweet, Councilor McLean and Cole Forsen and Norm Donohoe for

  3. fixing the slide.

  4. Update on Boat Ramp Design

  5. Park Committee Additional Members

  6. New Park Charter Amendment

  7. Canal Rd Maintenance Design Update

  8. Budget Committee Additional Members

  9. Pedway Extension - Child's Rd Traffic - Speed concerns

New Agenda Items

  1. Proposal to Change the Use of the Lockable Gate at Stark Boat Ramp - Proposed by Rivergrove City Councilors Doug McLean and Rachel Shafer

Council Reports:

  1. Mayor - Barhyte

  2. Councilor - McLean

  3. Councilor - Silber

  4. Council President - Tuttle

  5. Councilor - Shafer

City Manager Report:
Executive Session: Council and staff may adjourn to Executive Session pursuant to Oregon Revised Statues 192.660: As needed (appropriate subsection shall be cited)

Rivergrove City Council Agenda
April 8, 2024, 7:00 PM

Public Notice

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 848 5967 4536 
Passcode: 070298

Standing Items

  1. Call to order and attendance (Mayor, Councilors, and Guests)

Presentations from Outside Agencies and Guests:

Planning Commission Report:
Representative from the Planning Commission

Standing Items:

  1. Ask if any member of the public wishes to speak on an agenda item or a non-agenda item. (Please limit your comments to 3 minutes) (Public Comments for Agenda items will be taken during that portion of the agenda.)

  2. Approval of March minutes

  3. City financials – March

Existing Business (Public Comments for Agenda items will be taken before each item.)

  1. Update on Lloyd Minor Park Restoration Project

  2. Boat Ramp-incl Design update

  3. Park Committee

  4. New Park Amendment

  5. Canal Rd Maintenance Issues

New Agenda Items

  1. Development Fees

  2. Pedway Extension - Child's Rd Traffic - Speed concerns

Council Reports:

  1. Mayor Barhyte

  2. Councilor McLean

  3. Councilor Silber

  4. Councilor Tuttle

  5. Councilor Shafer

City Manager Report:
Executive Session: Council and staff may adjourn to Executive Session pursuant to Oregon Revised Statues 192.660: As needed (appropriate subsection shall be cited)

Rivergrove City Council Agenda
Feb 12, 2024, 7:00 PM

Public Notice

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 848 5967 4536 
Passcode: 070298

Standing Items

  1. Call to order and attendance (Mayor, Councilors, and Guests)

Priority Business

  1. Resignation of Mayor Jeff Williams.

  2. Mayor Selection

  3. Discussion of filling vacant Council Position.

Presentations from Outside Agencies and Guests:

Planning Commission Report:
Representative from the Planning Commission

Standing Items:

  1. Ask if any member of the public wishes to speak on an agenda item or a non-agenda item. (Please limit your comments to 3 minutes) (Public Comments for Agenda items will be taken during that portion of the agenda.)

  2. Approval of January minutes

  3. City financials – January

Existing Business (Public Comments for Agenda items will be taken before each item.)

  1. Update on Lloyd Minor Park Restoration Project

  2. Boat Ramp Design update

  3. Land Development Ordinance Revision

    1. Propose to authorize the City Manager to enter a contract to allow the City Planner to write a text amendment to change completion determination. This new language if adopted would place the responsibility of deeming an application complete in the hands of the City of Rivergrove staff.

  4. Park Advisory Committee Formation – Review recommended application and park committee guidelines.

New Agenda Items

  1. Lloyd Minor Park – A pine shrub was cut in the Southwest corner of Lloyd Minor Park.

  2. Protocol for park maintenance in all parks

Council Reports:

  1. Councilor McLean

  2. Councilor Barhyte

  3. Councilor Tuttle

  4. Councilor Shafer

City Manager Report:
Executive Session: Council and staff may adjourn to Executive Session pursuant to Oregon Revised Statues 192.660: As needed (appropriate subsection shall be cited)

Rivergrove City Council Agenda
Jan 8, 2024, 7:00 PM

Public Notice

Standing Items

  1. Call to order and attendance (Mayor, Councilors, and Guests)

Priority Business

  1. Council approval of Rachel Shafer as new councilor. Swearing in Rachel Shafer if approved.

Presentations from Outside Agencies and Guests:

Standing Items:

  1. Ask if any member of the public wishes to speak on an agenda item or a non-agenda item. Please limit your speech to 3 minutes

  2. Approval of minutes from previous meeting(s)

  3. Discussion and approval of city financials

Planning Commission Report: Representative from the Planning Commission

Agenda Items

  1. Update on Lloyd Minor Park Restoration Project

  2. Boat Ramp-incl Design update

  3. Land Development Ordinance Revision

  4. Park Advisory Committee Formation

Council Reports:

  1. Councilor McLean

  2. Councilor Barhyte

  3. Councilor Tuttle

  4. Mayor’s Report

City Manager Report:
Executive Session: Council and staff may adjourn to Executive Session pursuant to Oregon Revised Statues 192.660: As needed (appropriate subsection shall be cited)

Looking for Agendas prior to this year?